This points of emphasis are that the knot is for taking a strain roughly parallel to the rope to which it is attached; that the first half hitch takes the strain; and that the round turn binds the knot fast and is the secret of the knot's strength.

Starts with a half hitch and then take a round turn, round standing part and larger rope and finish with a half hitch on top.

It is used for tying the open side of a sack. It is a non-slipping hitch for pulling round a spar or another rope.

रोलिंग हिच :- यदि किसी रस्सी पर अधिक खिंचाव(तनाव) है तो खिचाव को घटाने के लिए दूसरी रस्सी से रोलिंग हिच लगाई जाती है...

बोरों का मुह बाँधने के लिए भी इसका उपयोग होता है...
