REEF KNOT.......


  1. Take a rope end in each hand.
  2. Cross the right hand end over the left hand rope. Bend it back under, then forward and up. The ends will change hands.
  3. Cross the end now in your left hand over, back, under and forward of the end now in your right hand. The short ends should lie flat beside the long pieces of rope.
  4. Pull tight.

Unique a square knot by holding the ropes on both sides of the knot and pushing them toward the center. Or take one end and yank it hard toward the center of the knot. Then you can slip the rope ends apart.

Many Girls Scouts say this as they tie this knot:
Right over left and left over right Makes the knot neat and tidy and tight!

This is used for tying together two ends of a rope. It is also the knot, which should be used for tying triangular bandages. It is a good knot for fastening parcels or the ropes round the rolls of bedding. Dhobis use it for typing up the ends of the their bundles. It is a flat knot, does not slip and is easily untied.

रीफ नॉट:- यह गाँठ चपटी होती है,चुभती नहीं है,इसलिए इसका उपयोग डॉक्टर घाव पर पट्टी बांधते समय करते है...

एक ही रस्सी के दोनों सिरों को आपस में बांधने,पार्सल बांधने में उपयोगी है...

एक समान मोटाई के रस्सों को आपस में बाँधने में भी इस गाँठ का उपयोग किया जाता है....
