- Lay long end of rope in your left hand with your right hand make a little loop in the rope just where you ant the knot to be. The loop must go over the long part of rope. Hold loop in place with your left hand and let the end hang down in front.
- With your right hand take short end push it up through the little loop. Now you have another loop. Pull the end until this big loop is the size you want to have when you are finished.
- Pass this end around behind long part of rope and then down through little loop again.
- Hold long part of rope with your left hand. Hold short end and right side of the big loop with your right. Pull with both hands to lighten.
UsesThis knot makes a loop that will not slip and is therefore, very useful for rescue work. It is made at one end of a lifeline and thrown out over the water to a drowning man or it may be fastened round any one who has to be lowered from a height from a burning house or into a well. It can be used as a lead for a collarless dog and is especially used for tying animals. When required for lowering anyone the loop should be used as a seat. It is passed over the head and shoulder and the standing part in front of the body is grasped with both hands (though more difficult).
बोलाइन :- यह एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण गाँठ है,जो जीवन रक्षा के काम आती है,अतः हर स्काउट को इस गाँठ को बांधना आना चाहिए...
इस गाँठ से एक ऐसा फंदा बनता है जो अपनी जगह अटल रहता है...
मनुष्यों को डूबने से बचाने के लिए,ऊपर से नीचे उतारने के लिए,कुए में से निकालने का लिए,बेहोंश आदमी को खीचने के लिए इस गाँठ का उपयोग किया जाता है...
जानवरों के गले में रस्सी बांधने के लिए भी इस गाँठ का उपयोग किया जाता है...
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